
Diversity and inclusiveness means growth…

The ability to invite, leverage and learn from different perspectives is key to delivering for our clients. 

Diversity is about differences. At RIK, we think broadly about differences, which include nationality, background, education, gender, ethnicity, generation, age, working and thinking styles, religious background, sexual orientation, abilities, experiences, and technical skills. There are also differences according to geography, service line, sector and function. 

Inclusiveness is about leveraging these differences to achieve better business outcomes. It is about creating an environment where RIK people feel and are valued – where they feel they belong and contribute their personal best in every encounter. 

We believe that only the highest-performing teams that maximize the power of different perspectives and backgrounds will succeed in the fast-changing environment brought by globalization. These teams are both diverse and inclusive, able to invite and learn from other perspectives. Our ability to include various viewpoints into our mindsets, behaviours and operations is fundamental to driving innovation, building strong relationships and delivering the best approaches for our clients. 

It is more important than ever for organizations to create an environment where employees feel like they belong while also celebrating and recognizing uniqueness. It is fundamental to building an inclusive environment where all may thrive and relationships and innovation flourish. 

RIK Managing Director, Dr. J. Dasgupta said that, “Diversity and inclusiveness are critical in building a better working world. Diverse opinions and skills lead to the best answers for our clients and our organization. We’re committed in building the highest-performing teams through the power of diversity and to providing equitable growth opportunities to our people around the world.”  


The devoted special services


We are dedicated towards genuinely assisting our clients in the field of EXIM (Export and Import) Consultancy. We have acquired sound knowledge and competence in the field. We provide import export consultancy services and instruct the clients of the rules and regulations governing the same. We believe in swift and accurate solutions and are indeed renowned for delivering consultancy services in the minimum possible time to help our client reap the benefits of numerous exemptions incentives/ assistance accessible under the Import-Export policy of the Government of India. Our team of specialists is well versed with the processes comprising documentation an paperwork. We provide assurance that all the legal rules and regulations are fulfilled through the electronic file entries thereby preventing delays at the port.  

Our FTP Services 

  1. Certificate of import Export Code (IEC) 
  2. Registration cum Membership Certificate (RCMC) 
  3. Authorizations for Restricted Items  
  4. Clarification/relaxation etc. from DGFT Committee  
  5. Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) 
  6. Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) 
  7. Advance Authorization 
  8. Duty Free Import Authorizations 
  9. Revalidation of import License  
  10. Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Authorizations 
  11. Closure of EPCG/Advance Authorizations 
  12. Deemed Exports benefits 
  13. Transport & Marketing Assistance (TMA) Scheme 
  14. Special Economic Zone Related Matters 
  15. 100% EOU Consultants 


 1. Certificate of import Export Code (IEC): 

No export or import shall be made by any person without an Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) number unless specifically exempted.DGFT has recently introduced the facility of issuing Importer Exporter Codes in electronic form (e-IEC). 

Procedures : For issuance of e-IEC an application can be made online on DGFT website (http// Applicants can upload the documents and pay the required fee through Net banking. Processing of such applications by Regional Authority (RAs) of DGFT would be done online and a digitally signed e-IEC would normally be issued/ e-mailed to the applicant. 

In case the application is incomplete or otherwise ineligible, the same shall be rejected and a Rejection letter/email (with reasons for rejection) would be sent to the applicant. Application for issue of e-IEC can also be made from e Biz platform ( 


How We Assist : We may assist you in documentation, on line filing of application and Coordination with Concerned Authority for issuance of Certificate of Importer Exporter Code.


 2. Registration cum Membership Certificate (RCMC) 

A person applying for: An Authorisation to import/export(except items) listed as Restricted items in ITC(HS) 


Any other benefit or concession under FTP shall be required to furnish or upload on DGFT`s website in the importer exporter profile, the RCMC granted by competent authority in accordance with procedure specified in HBP, unless specifically exempted under FTP. Certificate of Registration as Exporter of Spices(CRES) issued by spices board shall be treated as RCMC for the purposes under Foreign Trade Policy. 

Registration-Cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC): means certificate of registration and membership granted by an Export Promotion Council / Commodity Board / Development Authority or other competent authority as prescribed in FTP or Handbook of Procedures. There are 37 such Promotion Councils/Board/Authority those are authorized to issue RCMC. 

Procedures: An exporter who shall be engaged in the business of export can become member of export Promotion councils/Board/Authority. The prospective members are required to apply on prescribed application form with prescribed fee to concerned Promotion council/Board/Authority. The RCMC can be issued either as a merchant exporter, manufacturer exporter or merchant-cum-manufacturer exporter as per document submitted. Now online registration procedure for RCMC also available on concerned export promotion council/board/authority web-page. 

 How We Assist: Preparation and filing of application with the concerned Export Promotion Council/Commodity Board/Development Authority or other competent authority and obtaining RCMC 

3. Authorizations for Restricted Items  

Exports and Imports shall be ‘Free’ except when regulated by way of ‘prohibition’, ‘restriction’ or ‘exclusive trading through State Trading Enterprises (STEs)’ as laid down in Indian Trade Classification (Harmonized System) [ITC (HS)] of Exports and Imports. The restrictions can be on import or export based on the ITC (HS) code. 

 There are restrictions on imports and exports for various strategic reasons. There can be quantitative and qualitative restrictions on the imports and exports. If the goods are not prohibited, the government can allow the import/export the said goods. Any goods /service, the export or import of which is ‘Restricted’ may be exported or imported only in accordance with an Authorisation / Permission or in accordance with the procedure prescribed in a Notification / Public Notice issued in this regard. 

 The importer/exporter has to obtain an authorisation from the DGFT along with a NOC/permission from the concerned ministry. Additional procedures can be prescribed through the notification. 

How We Assist : We may assist you in documentation, on line filing of application and Coordination with Concerned Authority. 


4. Clarification/relaxation etc. from DGFT Committee  

DGFT may in public interest pass such orders or grant such exemption, relaxation or relief, as he may deem fit and proper, on grounds of genuine hardship and adverse impact on trade to any person or class or category of persons from any provision of FTP or any procedure. While granting such exemption, DGFT may impose such conditions as he may deem fit after consulting the Committees as under: 

S.No. Description Committees 
a) Fixation/modification of product norms Nexus with Capital Goods (CG) and benefits under EPCG Scheme 
b) Norms Committees EPCG Scheme 
c) All other issues Policy Relaxation Committee (PRC) 


How We Assist

Extension & Enhancement of import License; We may also assist to you in extension & Enhancement of Import Authorisation (License). 


5. Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) 

Salient Features of The Scheme 

  • Grants rewards in the form of Duty Credit Scrip to the exporter on export on exports of notified goods, which have been produced/ manufactured in India. 
  • Rewards for exports of notified goods to notified markets payable as percentage of realized FOB value (in free foreign exchange). 
  • Scrip issued are freely transferable. 
  • Certain specified categories of exports or exports goods are not eligible for benefit under the Scheme. 
  • Scrip can be used for payment of (i) Customs Duties for import of inputs or goods, except items listed in Appendix 3A; (ii) Payment of excise duties on domestic procurement (iii) payment of services tax (iv) Payment of Customs Duty and fee as per paragraph 3.18 of the Policy. 

How We Assist 

  • To Identify and check eligibility to get the benefits under the scheme. 
  • In documentation, preparation of application, On line filing of application and Coordination with Concerned Authority to get the Duty credit scrip. 
  • Realization of value of the scrip in cash or assistance in utilization of the scrip for payment of Customs Duty /Excise duty/Services tax etc. as the case may be. 
  • Representation to Policy Relaxation Committee in respect for availing benefit under MEIS scheme 


6. Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) 

Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) has been announced by the Government. SEIS provides for rewards to all service providers to notified services, who are providing services from India, regardless of the constitution or profile of the service provider, The rates of reward are 3%, 5% or 7% of net foreign Exchange Earning. 

Objective Of the Scheme : Objective of Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) is to encourage export of notified Services from India. The rewards under the scheme are admissible on exports of notified services rendered on or after 01.04.2015. 

Salient Features of The Scheme 

  • Apply to “Service Providers located in India” instead of Indian Service Providers. 
  • Provides for rewards to Service providers of notified services, who are providing exporting services from India, regardless of the constitution or profile of the service provider. 
  • Rewards under SEIS are based on net foreign exchange earned. (Net foreign Exchange = Gross earning of foreign exchange-total expenses/payment/remittances relating to services sector in the F/Y.) 
  • Reward issued as duty credit scrip is freely transferable and usable for all types of goods. 
  • Scrip can be used for payment of (i) Customs Duties for import of inputs or goods, except items listed in Appendix 3A; (ii) Payment of excise duties on domestic procurement of inputs or goods, including capital goods (iii) Payment of service tax on procurement of services and (iv) payment of Customs Duty and fee (in case of bona fide default under authorization) 
  • The SEIS scheme was available for services rendered in FY 2019-20 after which the SEIS scheme is yet to be announced.  

How We Assist 

We may assist you:- 

  • To Identify and check eligibility to get the benefits under the scheme. 
  • In documentation, preparation of application, On line filing of application and Coordination with Concerned Authority to get the Duty credit scrip. 
  • Realization of value of the scrip in cash or assistance in utilization of the scrip for payment of Customs Duty /Excise duty as the case may be 


7. Advance Authorization 

Advance Authorisation is issued to allow duty free import of input, which is physically incorporated in export product. In addition fuel, oil, catalyst which is consumed/utilized in the process of production of export product, may also be allowed. Advance Authorisation is issued for inputs in relation to resultant product, on the following basis- 

  • As per Standard Input Output Norms [SION] notified (available in Hand Book of Procedures)  
  • On the basis of self-declaration as per Hand Book of Procedures. 
  • Applicant specific prior fixation of norm by the Norms Committee 
  • On the basis of Self Ratification Scheme 

Minimum value addition required to be achieved under Advance Authorisation is 15%. 

Eligible Applicants : Advance Authorisation can be issued either to a manufacturer exporter or merchant exporter tied to supporting manufacturer. Advance Authorisation for pharmaceutical products manufactured through Non Infringing (NI) process shall be issued to manufacturer exporter only. Advance Authorisation shall be issued for – 

  • Physical export (including export to SEZ). 
  • Intermediate supply. 
  • Supply of goods to the categories mentioned in paragraph 7.02 (b),(c),(e),(f),(g) and (h) of FTP. 
  • Supply of stores on board of foreign going vessel /aircraft, subject to condition that there is specific Standard Input Output Norms in respect of item supplied. 

Annual Advance Authorisation : Advance Authorisation for Annual Requirement shall only be issued for items notified in Standard Input Output Norms (SION) and for exporters meeting the specific criteria. 

How We Assist 

We may assist you:- 

  • Preparation and filing of application with the concerned office of DGFT. 
  • Providing assistance and obtaining Advance Authorisation on behalf of importer of Capital Goods. 
  • In case of domestic procurement we can assist in getting necessary invalidations from the authority and the refund of excise duty. 
  • We also assist in matters of clarifications/Relaxations etc. from the DGFT. 
  • We assist in representation a case for fixation of Norms to Norms Committee 


 8. Duty Free Import Authorizations 

DFIA is issued to allow duty free import of inputs. DFIA shall be exempted only from payment of basic custom duty. DFIA application needs to be filed before starting export under DFIA .DFIA is issued on minimum value addition of 20%,and only for exports of product covered under the SION. DFIA is issued to a merchant-exporter or manufacturer-exporter. 

How We Assist:

Preparation and filing of application with the concerned office of DGFT. 

  • Providing assistance and obtaining Advance Authorisation on behalf of importer of Capital Goods. 
  • In case of domestic procurement we can assist in getting necessary invalidations from the authority and the refund of excise duty. 
  • We also take matters of clarifications/Relaxations etc. from the DGFT. 


 9. Revalidation of import License  

Revalidation of Import / Export Licence Certificate/ Authorisation / Permissions for Non-SCOMET items 

(a) RA concerned may revalidate import authorisation on merits for six months from date of expiry of validity. 

(b) Export authorisation may be revalidated by RA concerned only on approval of DGFT for six months at a time and maximum upto 12 months from date of expiry of validity. 

(c) However, revalidation of freely transferable authorisation / duty credit scrips and stock and sale authorisation shall not be permitted unless validity has expired while in custody of custom authority/RA. 

10. Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Authorizations 

The objective of the EPCG Scheme is to facilitate import of capital goods for producing quality goods and services to enhance India’s export competitiveness. EPCG Scheme allows import of capital goods for pre-production, production and post-production at zero customs duty. Alternatively, the Authorization holder may also procure Capital Goods from indigenous sources on Zero Duty. 


Conditions For EPCG Scheme 

  • Import of capital goods for Project Imports notified by Central Board of Excise and Customs is also permitted under EPCG Scheme. 
  • Import under EPCG Scheme shall be subject to an export obligation equivalent to 6 times of duty saved on capital goods, to be fulfilled in 6 years reckoned from date of issue of Authorization. 
  • Authorization shall be valid for import for 18 months from the date of issue of Authorization. Revalidation of EPCG Authorization shall not be permitted. 
  • In case countervailing duty (CVD) is paid in cash on imports under EPCG, incidence of CVD would not be taken for computation of net duty saved, provided CENVAT is not availed. 
  • Second hand capital goods shall not be permitted to be imported under EPCG Scheme. 
  • For import of the restricted Capital Goods approval of the Exim Facilitation Committee (EFC) at DGFT Headquarters is required. 
  • For export of the restricted items under the EPCG scheme approval of the Exim Facilitation Committee (EFC) at DGFT Headquarter. 


How We Assist 

 Preparation and filing of application with the concerned office of DGFT. 

  • Providing assistance and obtaining EPCG Authorisation on behalf of importer of Capital Goods. 
  • In case of domestic procurement we can assist in getting necessary invalidations from the authority and the refund of excise duty. 
  • We will assist in redemptions of the Authorization. We also take matters of clarifications/Relaxations etc. from the DGFT. 


11. Closure of EPCG/Advance Authorizations 

Import under EPCG Scheme shall be subject to an export obligation equivalent to 6 times of duties, taxes and cess saved on capital goods, to be fulfilled in 6 years reckoned from date of issue of Authorisation. 

 After the completion of Export Obligation, the license holder has to apply for the redemption of the EPCG authorisation. 

(a) Authorisation holder shall apply for redemption in ANF 5B with documents prescribed therein as a proof of EO fulfilment. 

(b) On being satisfied, RA concerned shall issue a certificate of discharge of export obligation to the EPCG authorisation holder and forward a copy to Customs Authorities with whom BG/LUT has been executed. A statement giving details of the documents submitted by the authorisation holder towards evidence of EO fulfilment shall also be enclosed with the certificate. 


(c) RA shall process such applications ordinarily within 30 days. Shortcomings, if any, shall be pointed out in one go. All correspondence, thereafter, shall relate to these deficiencies only. Fresh correspondence, if necessary, shall be within 15 days. Once documents are complete, EO will be discharged within 30 days of receipt of complete documents /information. 

(d) Applications that remain outstanding beyond a period of 60 days after receipt of complete documents shall be reported to the EPCG Division at DGFT headquarters along with reasons thereof. 


12. Deemed Exports benefits 

Deemed Exports refers to those transactions in which goods supplied do not leave country and payment for such supplies is received either in Indian rupees or in free foreign exchange. Following are supplies covered under Deemed Exports: 

Supply By Manufacturer: 

  • Supply of goods against Advance Authorisation/Advance Authorisation for annual requirement/DFIA. 
  • Supply of goods to EOU/STP/EHTP/BTP. 
  • Supply of capital goods against EPCG Authorisation. 
  • Supply of marine freight containers by 100% EOU. Provided said containers are exported out of India with in 6 months or such further period as permitted by customs. 


Supply By Main /Sub Contractor (S):- 

  • Supply of goods to project financed by multilateral or bilateral Agencies/funds notified by DEA, MOF where legal agreements provide for tender evaluation without including customs duty 
  • Supply of goods to projects financed by multilateral or bilateral agencies/funds as notified by Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, where legal agreements provide for tender evaluation without including customs duty; 
  • Supply and installation of goods and equipment to projects financed by multilateral or bilateral agreements/funds as notified by Department of Economic Affairs for which bids have been invited and evaluated on the basis of Delivered Duty Paid prices for goods manufactured abroad; 
  • Supply of goods to any project or for any purpose in respect of which the Ministry of Finance, by Notification No. 12/2012-Customs, dated 17.3.2012 as amended from time to time, permits import of such goods at zero customs duty subject to conditions specified in the said Notification; 
  • Supply of goods required for setting up of any mega power of project subject to the condition that such mega power project conforms to the threshold generation capacity specified in the above said Notification; 
  • Supply of goods to UN or International Organizations for their official use or supplied to the Projects financed by the said organizations approved by Government of India; 
  • Supply of goods to nuclear power projects  


Benefits for Deemed Exports 

The following are the benefits available to deemed exporters: 

  • Advance Authorization/Advance Authorization for annual requirement/DFIA; 
  • Deemed export drawback; 
  • Refund of terminal excise duty (TED), if exemption is not available. 


Deemed Exports under GST 

“Deemed Exports” refers to supplies of goods manufactured in India (and not services) which are notified as deemed exports under Section 147 of the CGST/SGST Act, 2017. 


13. Transport & Marketing Assistance (TMA) Scheme 

A new chapter 7(A) /scheme is added in the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 by the Govt. The Scheme titled “Transport & Marketing Assistance (TMA) will be provided on export of all agriculture Products covered in HSN Chapters 1 to 24 including marine and plantation products, exported to permissible Regions/countries (Regions- West Africa, EU Gulf, North America, ASEAN, Russia & CIS, Far East Oceana, China, South America). 

 Introduction And Objective 

The transport and marketing for specified agricultural products scheme aims to provide assistance for the international component of freight and marketing of agricultural produce which is likely to mitigate disadvantage of higher cost of transportation of export of specified a agricultural products due to trans-shipment and to promote brand recognition for Indian agricultural products in the specified overseas markets. 


  1. All exporters, duly registered with relevant Export Promotion Council as per Foreign Trade Policy, of eligible agriculture products shall be covered under this scheme. 
  1. The assistance, as notified rates, will be available for export of eligible agriculture products to the permissible Countries, as specified from time to time in Annexure-2 


14. Special Economic Zone Related Matters 

India was one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the Export Processing Zone(EPZ) model in promoting exports, with Asia`s first EPZ set up in Kandla in 1965. With a view to overcome the shortcomings on account of the multiplicity of controls and clearances, absence of world-class infrastructure and with a view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the Special Economic Zones(SEZs) Policy was announced in April 2000. SEZ units may be set up for manufacture of goods and rendering of services. 

  • SEZ unit may sell goods including by-products and services in DTA in accordance with the import policy in force, on payment of applicable duty. 
  • Developers of SEZ get duty exemptions and concessions on all their import procurements, whether of goods or services, for the purpose of development. 
  • Goods and services going into the SEZ area from DTA are treated as exports and goods coming from the SEZ area into DTA are treated as if these are being imported. 


Incentives And Facilities Offered To The SEZs 

Following are the benefits available for the SEZ unit/developer 

  • Duty free import of goods for development, operation and maintenance of SEZ units. 
  • Exemption from payment of IGST on the import of services by SEZ unit or developer 
  • Supply of services from DTA to SEZ unit or developer to be treated as “Zero Rated” supply under GST 
  • Exemption from payment of export duty (any duty of customs) if leviable on goods being exported by SEZ unit 
  • Foreign Investment up to 100% allowed for all manufacturing activities except specified activities. 
  • Single window clearance for Central and State level Approvals. 


How We Assist 

  • Preparation and filing of application with the concerned office of SEZ. 
  • We assist in assessing the feasibility of the scheme  
  • We assist in carrying out all the formalities, documentation, representation and coordination with the relevant authorities to get the approval of SEZ unit/developer
  • We also take matters of clarifications/relaxations etc. from the DGFT
  • We hand hold the clients in the case of exit from SEZ i.e. debonding of the unit. 


15. 100% EOU Consultants 

Export Oriented Units (EOUs), Electronics Hardware Technology Parks (EHTPs),  Software Technology Parks(STPs) Scheme And Bio-Technology Parks (BTPs) 

Units undertaking to export their entire production of goods and services (except permissible sales in DTA), may be set up under the Export Oriented Unit (EOU) Scheme, Electronics Hardware Technology Park (EHTP) Scheme, Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme or Bio-Technology Park (BTP) Scheme for manufacture of goods. Trading units are not covered under these schemes. EOU unit will procure the Capital Goods/Input Duty free .Services will be procured on payment of the service tax of which CENVAT can be availed. An EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP unit may export all kinds of goods and services except items that are prohibited in ITC (HS). 


Procedure For Setting Up Of An EOU 

  • For setting up an EOU, three copies of application as in ANF 6 A of Appendices & ANFs may be submitted to DC. 
  • Applications for setting up units under EOU scheme shall be approved or rejected by Units Approval Committee within 15 days, as per criteria indicated in Appendix 6 A of Appendices & ANFs. 
  • On approval, a Letter of Permission (LoP) / Letter of Intent (LoI) shall be issued by DC / designated officer to EOU/ EHTP / STP / BTP. 


Application / Approval / Renewal Of Approval 

For setting up an EOU, three copies of application as in ANF 6 A of Appendices & ANFs may be submitted to DC 


Exits From EOU Scheme 

  • With approval of DC, an EOU may opt out of scheme. Such exit shall be subject to payment of Excise and Customs duties and industrial policy in force. 
  • If unit has not achieved obligations, it shall also be liable to penalty at the time of exit.